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Radio Buttons


Radio buttons allow users to select multiple options from a group of pre-detemined options. This element is typical seen on webforms. If there are more than 7 options, a dropdown would be an alternative to use.

radio button



The default state should have the top radio button selected.

OnClick/OnTap, radio button goes between selected and unselected state.

Only one radio button can be selected out at a time. If the user selects an option, the previous option becomes unselected.

Usability Guidelines

Both box and label should be part of the clickable space.

There should be enough space between items to make them easily tap-able on touch screen devices.

List should always be displayed vertically.

Try to keep this list on short (not more than a can be seen on a mobile screen). If there are a lot of options try grouping types of items together to create shorter list.

When to choose something else

  • If the selection list is more than 7 options dropdown
  • If the user can select multiple options use checkboxes
  • If there is only a binary option, like yes & no, consider using a toggle button


  • Use fieldset and legend. Group related radio buttons together with <fieldset> and describe the group with <legend>.
  • Use proper labels and attributes. Each radio button should have a <label>. Associate the two by matching the <label>’s for attribute to the <input>’s id attribute.
  • The title attribute can replace <label>.



  ![radio button](../assets/img/forms/radio_button.png "Radio Button")