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Checkboxes allow users to select one or more options from a visible list.




The default state should have nothing selected. OnClick/OnTap, checkbox goes between selected and unselected state.

Usability Guidelines

Both box and label should be part of the clickable space.

There should be enough space between items to make them easily tap-able on touch screen devices.

List should always be displayed vertically.

Try to keep this list on short (not more than a can be seen on a mobile screen). If there are a lot of options try grouping types of items together to create shorter list.

When to choose something else

  • If there can only be one selection use a radio buttons or dropdown
  • If there is only a binary option, like yes & no, consider using a [toggle]


Surround a related set of checkboxes with a <fieldset>. The <legend> provides context for the grouping. Do not use fieldset and legend for a single check. The custom checkboxes here are accessible to screen readers because the default checkboxes are moved off-screen with position: absolute; left: -999em. Each input should have a semantic id attribute, and its corresponding label should have the same value in it’s for attribute.



  ![checkbox](../assets/img/forms/checkbox.png "Checkbox")